2017 MGCS Presenting Companies Will Receive Complimentary Analysis of Their Equity Investability
Many startup companies seek venture capital as a way to finance their growth and development. But few ─ about 2 percent ─ are actually equity investable, according to Peter Adriaens, a University of Michigan professor of environmental engineering, finance and entrepreneurship and the co-founder and CEO of Corymbus Asset Management... Read More
Angels and VCs Will Get a Sneak Peek at Spinouts Emerging from the U-M Venture Center at MGCS in May
Angel and venture capital investors attending this year’s Michigan Growth Capital Symposium, on May 16 and 17, will get an early preview of a number of high-potential U-M spinout companies that are commercializing cutting-edge technologies developed by Michigan faculty, staff and students in the University’s research laboratories. Initially, these spinouts... Read More
University of Michigan to Host Coulter Investment Forum During the 2017 Michigan Growth Capital Symposium
For the first time, the University of Michigan will host the Coulter Investment Forum in conjunction with the 2017 Michigan Growth Capital Symposium on May 16 and 17. The annual forum, sponsored by the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, will showcase 25 to 32 emerging companies with life-science innovations that have... Read More
Later-Round Institutional and Strategic Capital Investment Needed to Sustain the Growth of Venture-Backed Companies in Michigan
Michigan has pulled ahead of other states in the race to find a cure for cancer, develop autonomous vehicles and commercialize countless high-tech innovations. However, additional local venture capital investment is sorely needed to provide the follow-on funding to attract, retain and accelerate the growth and profitability of high-potential entrepreneurial... Read More
Brideside Marries Technology and Human Relationships to Provide a One-Stop Shopping Experience for Bridal Parties
Nicole Staple and Sonali Lamba are transforming the $14 billion wedding retail market from an outdated dowager to a digital darling with their Chicago-based startup, Brideside. Launched in 2014, Brideside marries technology and human relationships to create a fun, personalized, seamless online marketplace where bridal parties can purchase bridesmaid dresses... Read More
Fintech Startup Autobooks Rolls Out its Internet-Banking Payment and Accounting Software for Small Businesses in Michigan
Small business owners in Michigan may soon have the opportunity to manage their receivables, payables and accounting activities through their Internet banking accounts at area banks or credit unions, thanks to an innovative software platform developed by Troy, Michigan-based Autobooks. “Autobooks’ integrated payment and accounting software makes it easy for... Read More
Arboretum Ventures Rides an Investment Wave Created by Revolutionary Changes in the U.S. Health-Care System
Revolutionary changes are roiling the U.S. health-care system and opening new avenues of opportunity for both entrepreneurs and venture capital investors. That’s good news for Arboretum Ventures, an Ann Arbor-based venture capital firm that last year raised a $220 million investment fund ─ its fourth and largest ever in the... Read More
U-M Finance Professor David Brophy Receives MVCA’s Above and Beyond Award for His Contributions to Michigan’s Venture Capital Industry and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Professor of Finance David Brophy, director of the University of Michigan Center for Venture Capital and Private Equity Finance, was presented with the Michigan Venture Capital Association’s 2016 Above and Beyond Award at the MVCA annual awards dinner on November 2 in Detroit. The prestigious award recognizes Brophy’s remarkable contributions... Read More
MVCA Refocuses on Bolstering Capital Resources and Legislative Support for Michigan VCs and Entrepreneurs
For the Michigan Venture Capital Association, 2017 will be the Year of the Entrepreneur. Over the next 12 months, the MVCA plans to ramp up its efforts to build a larger pool of capital, including co-investment dollars from out-of-state venture investors, to fund the growth of high-traction Michigan startups and... Read More
Possible Changes under the Trump Administration May Reshape the PE and VC industry and Entrepreneurial Community
Based on President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign promises, his new administration’s policies and programs potentially could upend the status quo and usher in changes that impact the private equity and venture capital industry, as well as the entrepreneurial community ─ but in different ways. These anticipated headwinds and tailwinds may open... Read More